Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


  1. Locate the initialize.sql script found by default in the C:\Program Files\Bentley\Communications 2023\OpenCommsDesigner\AppConfig\BatchGlobalRecalc\Database folder. (This script should create a BatchGlobalRecalNodes and a BatchGlobalRecalcProcesses table.)
  2. Run the initialize.sql script on the OpenComms database user using SQL Developer. If working with multiple projects and database users, this script will have to be run on EACH user.
  3. Install the OpenComms ExternalReporter’s stored procedures. The BatchGlobalReCalc tool uses the CommsSDOUtils package to define the boundaries for querying node graphics. See the External Reporter > Install Oracle Packages topic.
  4. Edit the BatchGlobalRecalc.exe.config file and modify the values found in the <appSettings> section based on the descriptions listed below.